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The Immortal Gazette Investigates: Oligarchs and Oligarchy

 The Immortal Gazette Investigates: Oligarchs and Oligarchy

Special Edition on Power & Control

Alice adjusted her crown—no, not the one she wore on her head, but the one on her spirit. She was in a particularly cheerful mood today. Loki, as usual, leaned against the wall, exuding that laid-back, "I’m here for the chaos" vibe. Rumplestiltskin, ever the skeptic, was scowling at the latest headline of the Immortal Gazette, no doubt muttering about how people never appreciated his take on power.

“Well, darlings,” Alice said, her voice dripping with a playful malice, “today we’re talking about a fun subject. The whole idea of oligarchs and oligarchy. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.”

Rumple snorted. “I know what an oligarch is. Some self-important rich person who thinks they have the right to control everything. But, I’ll bite. Explain it to me again.”

Loki smirked. “Ah, oligarchy. The idea that power is concentrated in the hands of a few. The elite. The untouchables.” He flicked his fingers in the air, as if summoning something ephemeral. “In simpler terms, a small group of people hold all the wealth and power, usually to the detriment of everyone else.”

Alice leaned forward, eyes twinkling. “That’s right, Loki. The oligarchy is a political system where power is held by a select, privileged few—usually those with the most wealth or influence. You’ve got the top 1% controlling everything while the rest of the world struggles to catch up. Power isn’t distributed; it’s hoarded.”

Loki raised a hand, as if to suggest his idea was far more enlightened than Alice’s take. “But, you know, that’s exactly how the world works. Power’s always been in the hands of the few—whether you’re talking about old gods or mortal men. We know this game. It's not new, it's just...repackaged.”

Alice rolled her eyes dramatically. “Yes, yes, Loki, you’ve got the oldest story in the book. But let’s talk about the oligarchs—the individuals who embody this privileged system.” She tapped her chin. “It’s like playing Monopoly, but only the people with the most property ever get to roll the dice.”

Rumple sighed, crossing his arms. “Oligarchs are just the symbol of everything wrong with the world. Those people who treat their wealth as if it’s their right to make everyone else suffer so they can live the good life. Not that I would know anything about that.” His tone was dripping with sarcasm.

Historical Examples of Oligarchy in Action

Loki grinned. “Oh, we’re bringing out the history books, then? Alright, let’s talk about some iconic examples of oligarchies throughout time.”

Alice smiled darkly. “I do love a good history lesson. First off, let’s head to ancient Sparta. A society ruled by a small group of powerful leaders, known as the Gerousia. These were the elders—the few who held all the power in their hands. If you weren’t part of their circle, you didn’t get a say. Life for the common folk was one of obedience. Spartans lived and died for the few who controlled them. Classic oligarchy move.”

“Nice,” Loki muttered, rubbing his chin. “A society that essentially forced its people to fight for the very system that kept them oppressed. Sounds familiar.”

Alice gave him a sideways glance. “Oh, I’m sure you love that, don’t you? Now, moving forward—let’s talk about Venice during the Renaissance. The Venetian oligarchs were a group of wealthy merchant families who controlled the government. A bit more sophisticated than Spartans, but the idea was the same: consolidate power. Only the most powerful families had access to the government’s decision-making process. If you were a poor merchant or peasant? Tough luck. Your voice didn’t matter.”

Rumple folded his arms tighter. “And that’s the crux of it. The oligarchs don’t just keep the power—they keep it exclusively. They make sure no one else has a chance to rise. The game is rigged from the start.”

Alice grinned mischievously. “Oh, but don’t forget modern-day oligarchs, darling. They might be in the form of billionaire tech moguls, corrupt politicians, or even immortal lords pulling the strings in the shadows. Today, they’ve just got more flashy toys—private jets, enormous estates, a fortress of solitude.”

Loki raised an eyebrow. “You know, when you’re talking about today’s oligarchs, you’re speaking my language. But let’s not pretend they don’t control the world. They manipulate economies, make their own laws, and bribe anyone who will listen.” He sat up straighter, his tone more serious. “And it’s all about the illusion of freedom. People think they’re free. But in reality, they’re just dancing to the tune of the elite.”

The Truth Behind Oligarchy

Alice, clearly enjoying herself, leaned back with a smirk. “So, to sum it up for those who didn’t get the history lesson—an oligarchy is when power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of the few, and it’s a system that thrives on inequality. Think of it as a pyramid where everyone works for the benefit of the top, while the rest are left fighting for scraps.”

“Or,” Loki added with a smirk, “you can think of it as the ultimate game of manipulation. Trust no one, be your own power, and always stay one step ahead. You’ve got to know how to play their game better than they do.”

Rumple gave a scornful laugh. “Because, of course, power’s just about playing the game. Who cares if it’s crushing people underneath?”

Alice raised a finger. “Yes, but what fun would power be if it wasn’t crushing a few souls along the way?” She chuckled darkly. “Look, we’ve all seen the same thing happen again and again—whether it’s gods or mortals, the game doesn’t change. Those who hold the power make the rules. The rest? They obey or fall. Simple.”

Rumple sneered. “It’s a delightful little system, isn’t it?”

Loki grinned. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

With that, the Immortal Gazette wrapped up another interesting and deeply cynical exploration of the world’s power structures. Oligarchy, with all its manipulations and intricate webs of control, may not be new, but it continues to find ways to remain both timeless and terrifying.


Narrator’s Takeaway:

In a world full of twisted magic and dark schemes, the concept of oligarchy stands as one of the oldest tricks in the book. A system where a few powerful elites hold all the power, leaving the rest of the world to suffer in silence. Whether in the form of ancient oligarchies like Sparta, the merchant families of Renaissance Venice, or modern-day billionaires pulling the strings, the core idea remains the same: concentrated control and unbalanced power. It’s a structure designed to crush the masses and keep the few on top.

And yet, as we've seen time and time again in the Immortal Gazette, the game of power is not one for the faint of heart. Alice, the Mad Queen, the Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts—all aspects of one unpredictable, chaotic force—remind us that while we laugh at the absurdities of the world, we should never forget the cost of such imbalances. In fact, their jabs at power, their mocking of the ancient gods and twisted rulers, bring to light just how dangerous an oligarchy really is.

No matter the time, place, or immortal being involved, an oligarchy is always dangerous. It's a system that feeds off inequality and leaves entire populations to rot. It’s not just about control—it’s about crushing souls, stomping out hope, and ensuring that only a few at the top ever truly live. In the end, as Alice would say, “If power’s not crushing a few souls, then what’s the point?”

And let’s not forget—Alice and her friends, the mischievous Loki, the cryptic Rumplestiltskin, and the ever-chaotic Queen of Hearts, have seen it all before. Their twisted, sarcastic takes on the world’s power structures are more than just games—they’re lessons. Oligarchy is bad, darlings. Crushing souls is bad. And you don’t have to be a god, a queen, or a trickster to know that.
