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The Old Woman in the Woods: An Immortal Gazette Story

The Old Woman in the Woods: An Immortal Gazette Story

By: The Immortal Gazette Crew
“Cursed doves, old women, and a magical twist - what else could possibly go wrong? Let’s dive into the dark, shall we?”

Gather round, dear mortals, as we - the Immortal Gazette crew - recount the eerie tale of a young servant girl, a prince trapped in a bird’s form, and a mysterious old enchantress. But as always, you know we can’t leave things as they seem. Oh no, we’ve got our own immortal spin on this. After all, in our world, where time is a little too slow to ever really end, we’re experts in uncovering the truths that others dare not reveal. Trust us, there’s more to this story than the average fairy tale tells.

The Beginning: An Abandoned Girl and a Curiously Helpful Dove

Now, we could start with the classic "once upon a time" nonsense, but that’s not our style. Let’s just say this: there’s a forest - thick, dark, and full of secrets that even the trees would rather keep quiet. A young servant girl, no name given, found herself abandoned there. Carriage destroyed, thieves long gone, and hunger gnawing at her. Typical, right? The Immortal Gazette has seen this kind of tale unfold before, but this one? This one was different.

Enter, the dove. Ah yes, not your typical woodland creature, but a bird that spoke. Very inconvenient if you ask us. Imagine getting a cryptic message from a bird while you’re alone in a forest about to lose your lunch to hunger. We imagine most people would think they were losing their minds. But not this girl. No, she listened - because who wouldn’t listen to a talking bird promising food, shelter, and safety?

The dove, no, the prince - yes, the one cursed to live in feathered form, we’ll get to that - sent her off on a rather odd task list. Find a key, open a door in a tree, and boom, cozy room filled with enough food to last a lifetime. The girl did what she was told, for reasons unclear, and day by day, this dove - er, prince - had her running errands in the woods. Gathering things.

Now, as immortal creatures, we know a thing or two about curses, deception, and what’s truly going on behind the scenes. And let us tell you, this is exactly where things got more...interesting.

The Tasks: Gathering Items, But For What?

Here’s where the girl, bless her heart, missed some red flags. Every task the dove set before her - gathering leaves, mushrooms, branches - seemed like nothing more than harmless busywork. But we know better. Trust us. There’s no such thing as "harmless" when you’re talking about enchanted forests and cursed princes.

And then, the twist. She was sent deeper into the woods, past the usual scary creatures, to retrieve something truly dangerous: a ring. Not just any ring. Oh no, this was a ring tied to an enchantress,  a lady who’s no stranger to dark magic. But, of course, the girl succeeded - just barely. She escaped the enchantress’s house, and while fleeing, she spotted something that would make anyone uneasy: an old woman lurking in the shadows, watching her. Oh yes, the enchantress.

Now, let’s pause here, dear readers. The enchantress...oh, she wasn’t just a random old woman. No, this was a creature who had lived through centuries. We know her. She’s been around the block - more times than she’d care to admit. And she's no stranger to stirring up trouble. And that old woman had no idea what was coming.

The Revelation: The Prince Behind the Feathered Mask

So, here we are. The moment when the dove’s feathers - both literal and figurative - are pulled back. The dove? Not a bird at all. A cursed prince. Oh, that’s a classic move right there. A twist that should have been obvious, but not to our dear servant girl.

But here’s the kicker, dear readers: the items she had gathered were not random. They were the very things needed to break his curse. Tasks? They were his way of collecting the necessary ingredients, without ever mentioning the true purpose behind them. The prince - once freed from his feathered prison - wasn’t just going to let the girl go. No, no. He promised her riches, safety, and a throne by his side.

But, as always, there’s a price, isn’t there?

The Showdown: Old Magic vs. New Power

Now, remember that old enchantress? Yes, she appeared, as she always does in these kinds of stories. “Do you think you can escape me so easily?” she hissed, her ancient magic swirling around her like a storm cloud. Oh, how we would’ve loved to see that moment.

But then he - the prince - stood tall, no longer bound by feathers, and with a single flick of his now-immense power, the enchantress’s magic crumbled. With the girl’s love fueling him, all the ancient curses she had woven melted away like frost in the morning sun. A true hero’s moment - if you could call it that. We’re not ones for sappy endings here at the Gazette, but we’d be lying if we didn’t admit we felt a little thrilled at the sight.

Of course, the girl wasn’t just going to be his queen for no reason. There’s more to it than that. The enchantress? She’s still lurking somewhere. Somewhere where magic never dies. But don’t worry, dear readers - we’ll be watching. We’ve got our eyes on her too.

The Moral: Trust No Dove (Unless It’s Bringing You Coffee)

So there you have it - the real tale of the Old Woman in the Woods, from the perspective of those who know the truth.

A servant girl. A cursed prince. A deadly enchantress. And a few too many cryptic tasks for comfort. One thing is certain: if a talking dove shows up in your life, we’d suggest you run. Or, at the very least, question everything it tells you.

As always, we remind you to stay on the path, dear readers. Do not wander too far from the road. You never know what may be waiting for you... and it might not be a dove.

Until next time
