The Three Snake-Leaves: A Very Twisted Love Story | The Immortal Gazette
The Immortal Gazette studio was unusually quiet - which was suspicious. Alice, lounging in her oversized chair, twirled a dagger between her fingers. Loki, draped across a nearby couch like he owned the place, arched a brow. Rumplestiltskin sat stiffly in a chair, arms crossed, glaring at them both.
Alice smirked. “Alright, today we’re covering one of the Grimm Brothers’ most underrated and highly questionable fairy tales - The Three Snake-Leaves.”
Rumple scoffed. “Highly questionable? It’s a classic.”
Loki smirked. “Which means it’s highly questionable.”
Alice leaned forward. “So. Once upon a time - because of course - there was a poor young man who saved a king during battle and, as a reward, married the king’s daughter. But the princess? Total red flag.”
Loki stretched. “Ah yes, the ‘if I die first, bury me with my corpse’ clause in their wedding vows. How romantic.”
Rumple shrugged. “Look, traditions are traditions.”
Alice grinned. “Sure, sure. But when the princess actually did die, the poor guy had to follow through and get buried alive with her. Lucky for him, three magic snake-leaves brought her back to life.”
Loki smirked. “And here’s where it gets good.”
Alice nodded. “Because after being miraculously resurrected, the princess - who, again, insisted on being buried with him - decided she was over it and promptly ran off with another guy.”
Rumple threw up his hands. “Look, maybe she reevaluated her life after coming back from the dead.”
Alice gave him a look. “Uh-huh. And then she plotted to kill her husband so he wouldn’t tell anyone she faked her own death.”
Loki grinned. “Now that’s just cold.”
Alice smirked. “Don’t worry, justice was served—he reported her, and she got tossed into the ocean in a leaky boat.”
Rumple groaned. “The leaky boat punishment was a bit excessive.”
Loki laughed. “Oh, I love that part! ‘You betrayed me? Off you go - hope you can swim.’”
Alice nodded. “And that’s why The Three Snake-Leaves is a prime example of ‘be careful what you wish for, especially if it involves bringing the dead back to life.’”
Rumple rubbed his temples. “That’s not the moral - ”
Loki smirked. “It is now.”
Alice tapped her chin. “Also, side note - where exactly do magic resurrection leaves come from? Asking for future use.”
Loki chuckled. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Rumple pointed at them both. “I swear, if either of you ever get your hands on resurrection leaves -”
Alice grinned. “Oh, look at that, we’re out of time! What a shame.”
Rumple groaned. “I hate this job.”
And so, another perfectly educational story was told, with absolutely zero unnecessary chaos.