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Loki and the Creation of Jörmungandr | The Serpent That Took the World by Storm

Loki and the Creation of Jörmungandr: The Serpent That Took the World by Storm

Ah, Jörmungandr. The world-serpent, the creature so fearsome that even the gods themselves trembled at its mere existence. You’re probably wondering how someone like me—the trickster, the ever-smiling chaos-bringer—could create something so… devastating. But let me assure you, it wasn’t quite as nefarious as it sounds. In fact, it was downright hilarious.

It all began, as most of my best schemes do, with a bit of boredom. And, let’s be honest, some of the gods were getting a little too smug for my liking. Especially Thor. You see, the Aesir gods were feeling a bit too comfortable in their little heaven, thinking they could just go around ruling everything without facing any consequences. But every action has its reaction, doesn’t it?

Now, I’ve got this thing about upsetting their balance. And what better way to throw the gods into a tizzy than by creating a creature that would literally shake their world to its core? Enter Jörmungandr, the mighty serpent who would one day encircle the entire Earth, biting its own tail in an eternal loop.

I mean, how could I resist? This was too perfect. One day, I casually slipped the little serpent into the waters that encircle Midgard, and—voila!—Jörmungandr grew at an alarming rate, much to the gods’ dismay. They were terrified.

As they should be. I mean, come on—what’s more fun than watching these all-powerful beings squirm because they can’t control something? They tried everything, of course. They tried to contain him, banish him, and banish me for creating him. But no matter what they did, the serpent only grew larger, stronger, and more impossible to ignore.

Of course, I played the part of the concerned father, shaking my head dramatically and muttering about how they really should have known better than to cross me. The gods’ fear of my creation was so delicious. They didn’t know what to do with him, especially when they realized that Jörmungandr was destined to play a pivotal role in Ragnarök—the very event that would mark the end of their precious world.

And don’t think for a second that I didn’t find that hilarious. All of their efforts to keep the serpent in check, only for it to become the harbinger of their downfall? Classic. It wasn’t just the world-serpent that would bring their downfall, but the fact that they were so obsessed with trying to control the uncontrollable. Delicious.

But, my dear friends, this is Loki we’re talking about. I knew exactly what I was doing. What they didn’t realize was that, by creating Jörmungandr, I was setting the stage for the grand spectacle that would unfold during Ragnarök—a show where I, as always, would sit back and watch the gods fumble. Oh, they were so caught up in the fear of this snake, so consumed by their own misplaced arrogance.

But the real fun was that all of this? It was my doing. And once again, the gods had underestimated me. They didn’t realize that their doom wasn’t just about Jörmungandr’s bite. No, no, it was about the story I had woven—the story that would unravel everything they thought they knew about power, control, and fate.

So, yes, I created the world-serpent. And yes, it will one day bite its tail and bring the end of days. But, oh, it was so worth it just to watch those gods squirm. They think they have control over everything? Well, maybe not everything. After all, who’s laughing now?
