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The Trojan War: The Real Story Behind the Horse & Why Paris Was the Worst

The Trojan War: The Real Story Behind the Horse & Why Paris Was the Worst!

Alright, let’s talk about the Trojan War, one of the most famous wars ever fought, and spoiler alert—Paris? Yeah, he’s the one who ruined everything. But before I get ahead of myself, let’s break it down.

The whole mess starts with a beauty contest. Yeah, a beauty contest between three goddesses: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. All three think they’re the hottest thing on Olympus, and each one tries to bribe a mortal named Paris, a prince of Troy, into giving them the title of "Fairest of Them All." Aphrodite offers Paris the love of the most beautiful mortal woman in the world—Helen. Big mistake. Paris picks her, and that’s where the real disaster begins. He steals Helen away from Menelaus, her husband, a Greek king, and takes her back to Troy. Now, let me be clear—Helen didn’t really want to go, but she’s Helen, so no one asks her opinion. Paris, meanwhile, gets a nice, shiny new wife (who’s already married), and the Greeks? They’re not happy about it.

Cue the war. Menelaus is furious, and he calls in his brother, Agamemnon—who’s got his own ego to feed—to get the Greeks to go to war. And war they do. Ten years of endless fighting, and it’s just one huge bloodbath of angry, prideful men. But the Greek army can’t seem to break through Troy’s walls. They try everything: they starve the Trojans, they fight, they scheme, but nothing works. And then... oh, here we go... the Trojan Horse.

You’ve heard the story: the Greeks build a giant wooden horse, sneak inside it, and roll it right up to Troy's gates. The Trojans, thinking the Greeks have finally given up and left, take the horse as a trophy of victory. But, plot twist! Inside that horse? A group of Greek soldiers. And once the Trojans bring it into the city, the Greeks emerge and slaughter them all. Genius? Or just a bunch of guys who got desperate?

But let’s talk about Paris. That guy is the worst—he’s the one who started the war over a stupid beauty contest and a woman who was already married. He could’ve stayed in Troy, ruled his little kingdom, and lived a peaceful life. Instead, he goes off and causes ten years of destruction. And what does he get for it? No glory. In the end, he’s killed by Achilles’ son, Neoptolemus, with an arrow to the heart. How’s that for poetic justice?

And then there’s Helen. People love to blame her, but honestly, she was kind of caught in the middle of this whole mess. Sure, she was beautiful, but that doesn’t mean she asked for a decade-long war, right? She’s basically kidnapped and treated like a trophy while the world burns around her.

But here’s the kicker: the whole war could’ve been avoided if Paris hadn’t picked Aphrodite—and then Menelaus didn’t have to get all up in arms about it. But nope, they had to go full-on Greek tragedy on this one.

So, yeah, the Trojan War isn’t a tale of heroism; it’s a tale of egos, jealousy, and a complete lack of communication. Oh, and gods meddling for fun. The real winners here? The Trojan Horse.

"So, in the end, what have we learned? If you’re a prince and you’re offered a beauty contest as a prize, maybe don’t pick the goddess of love, because she’s just going to drag you into a war that lasts ten years. And as for that horse? Well, let’s just say, it was the worst gift exchange ever. Catch you in the next one, where we rip apart another myth—because trust me, they're all twisted."
