Lilith: Queen of Shadows, First to Rebel
↪ Loki Tells the Tale of Lilith
Ahhh, Lilith… Now there’s a story worth telling. You’re sure you’re ready for this? I mean, she’s not your average “sweet-tempered, wash-your-clothes-before-supper” kind of woman. No, no. She’s a whole other kettle of fish, darling, a dangerous one at that.
Let me take you back to the beginning—or perhaps it’s more like the middle, because the beginning is never as important as the chaos—where Lilith, the original first woman, finds herself locked in an ancient struggle. Oh, you didn’t know? She wasn’t made from Adam’s rib, not in her world. No, no, no. She was born of a different mold. Strong, independent, and not the sort of lady who liked to be told to sit pretty and stay quiet.
In the beginning, Lilith was not a sidekick in some dusty, forgotten legend. She was the power. You see, when the Big Man upstairs—Yahweh, or as I like to call him, “Father of All of Us”—created Adam, there was one tiny problem: Adam was a little too, shall we say, boring. So, Yahweh created Lilith to match him, a woman who wasn’t made from a rib, but from the same dust, equal to him in all things. Adam, though, was—what’s the word?—a tad insecure, maybe? And he wasn’t happy with the idea of an equal.
So, naturally, Lilith said, “Oh, hell no,” and decided to take her leave. Bye, Adam, you go cry about your rib. I’m off to bigger and better things.”
And so, she did.
But here’s the real kicker: Adam, the poor little whiner, ran to Yahweh, like a child asking for his teddy bear back. “But, but, Father, she left me!” And Yahweh, well, he wasn’t the type to let something like that slide, was he? No, no. He was all about the order—control—keeping everyone in their place.
So, Yahweh sent not one, but three angels to convince Lilith to return to her position at Adam’s side. But Lilith, being the fierce, untamable spirit she was, looked at these three angels and said, “What part of ‘I don’t need a man’ don’t you understand?” And just like that, she flipped the bird to Heaven and made her way to the red, fiery lands of the underworld, where she truly came into her own.
But it wasn’t just any underworld—no. She became Queen, ruling alongside demons and, let’s say, a few interesting creatures. You see, Lilith wasn’t your average, stay-in-your-lane goddess. No, no. She made her own lane. The woman—demon—whatever you want to call her—was a powerhouse of dark, untamed energy.
And when it came to children? Oh, that’s when the real fun began. You see, Lilith found herself at odds with Yahweh’s little creation plans. The angels, still feeling like they hadn’t been listened to, began a campaign to take her children away from her. They tried to snatch them out of her arms, tell her how she could or could not raise them—typical. But Lilith, oh, she didn’t take kindly to that.
They say she gave birth to hundreds of demons. Not the little mischief-makers, mind you. Powerful, terrifying ones. That was her way of saying, “I make my own rules.”
➡ The Takeaway (Loki Style)
So, what’s the moral of Lilith’s story? Well, if you ask me, there’s a lot you can learn from this fiery lady. She didn’t take anyone’s crap. Not Adam’s, not Yahweh’s, not anyone’s. She followed her own path, made her own destiny, and, if you’re feeling sassy, made a deal with the underworld while doing it.
Don’t let anyone put you in a box—unless, of course, you want to use that box to break free and create chaos. Never settle for someone else’s idea of who you should be. And most importantly, be your own queen, whether it’s a kingdom of demons or just your own little corner of the world.
But don’t take my word for it, mortal. Go off and make some trouble yourself—just be careful who you cross. After all, if Lilith could give the finger to the heavens and live to rule, so can you.
Now, where’s my trickster crown? Time to go make some mischief.