The Immortal Gazette Studio was, as usual, a hotbed of questionable professionalism. Rumplestiltskin sat at the main desk, looking like a man who had long ago given up on the idea of a peaceful work environment. Alice sat beside him, far too pleased with herself, while Loki lounged in his chair, boots kicked up onto the table like he owned the place.
Rumple took a deep breath, already regretting being there. “Alright, today’s myth is King Midas—a man who proves that mortals should never, ever be trusted with power.”
Loki smirked. “Oh, you mean the one who wished for everything he touched to turn to gold? Excellent choice. I love a good story about human greed.”
Alice sipped her tea. “Oh, don’t act like you wouldn’t have made the same wish, Loki.”
Loki placed a dramatic hand over his chest. “Alice, please. If I wanted infinite wealth, I wouldn’t waste a wish on something so basic. Midas was a fool.”
Rumple waved his hands, already exasperated. “Would you two focus? The man ruined his life because he didn’t think his wish through. First, he’s thrilled—turning furniture, food, and possibly a few servants into gold—”
Alice interrupted, “Let’s not gloss over the fact that he accidentally turned his own daughter into a gold statue.”
Loki snorted. “Oh, oops. Bet that was an awkward dinner conversation.”
Rumple pinched the bridge of his nose. “If you two would let me finish—”
Alice leaned toward Loki. “Wait, I’m curious. What would you have wished for?”
Loki smirked, mischief sparkling in his eyes. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, darling?”
Rumple slammed his hands onto the table. “WE ARE TALKING ABOUT MIDAS.”
Alice and Loki blinked at him in unison.
“…Someone’s cranky,” Alice muttered.
Rumple took a deep breath. “Midas, realizing his mistake, begged the gods to take his gift away. And, in the end, he learned the very important lesson that not all that glitters is gold.”
Loki yawned. “Moral of the story: don’t be greedy. Too bad Midas didn’t have me around. I would’ve at least made him a proper trickster instead of a tragic idiot.”
Alice smirked. “Oh, because you’re so much better?”
Loki leaned in just slightly, grinning. “Darling, if I make a deal, I make sure to come out winning.”
Rumple slammed the book shut. “That’s it. I quit.”