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The Immortal Gazette Breaking News: Extraordinary Weather Alert - Rainbows Turned Into Serpentine Ropes!

 The Immortal Gazette Breaking News: Extraordinary Weather Alert - Rainbows Turned Into Serpentine Ropes!

ATTENTION, Eternal Shoppers of 4EverMore!

Hold onto your mystical hats, dear immortals, as the skies of 4EverMore have spun a peculiar twist to the classic rainbow spectacle! Instead of the usual vibrant arcs of color, eyewitnesses report that rainbows have taken on a serpentine form, snaking their way across the celestial canvas. What was once a delightful display of hues has now transformed into mesmerizing ribbons of iridescent serpents, slithering gracefully amidst the clouds.

Local witches are in a flurry, concocting potions to decode this enigmatic change while others are simply trying to avoid their brooms being mistaken for a playful serpent. Meanwhile, the gossipy gypsies have started predicting your future based on the color of the serpent that graces the sky above your gemstone castle.

Stay tuned to The Immortal Gazette for more updates on this twist in the weather that's leaving our eternal beings in awe and confusion!